Das International Office der FernUniversität in Hagen bietet vom 21.-26.08.2023 eine virtuelle internationale Summer School mit dem Titel „Keep Cool: Stories of Adaptation in the Warming City“ an, auf die wir Sie bereits jetzt hinweisen möchten.
Climate change is one of the most urgent and complex problems we face today. With the publication of the latest IPCC synthesis report in March of this year, climate scientists issued their “final warning” to act. UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, refers to the crisis as a “climate timebomb.” All signs indicate that the world is headed for two degrees or more of global heating by the end of this century.
In this virtual summer school in collaboration with infernum, we will focus on how we must adapt various biological, social, and technological systems to cope with the warming climate we can expect to see in the coming years. The summer school will focus on three main areas of climate adaptation:
- the biological and other changes we should expect through 2050 – from heat waves and drought to heavy rains and more extreme storm fronts, as well as the social and economic impacts of these climatic changes
- the actions that governments, businesses, private citizens, and others are taking around the world to make homes, crops, and cities more resilient in the face of these changes
- how to use storytelling and speculation to raise awareness of the challenge of climate change, build momentum for action, and imagine a resilient future we’d like to inhabit
During this one-week summer school, international experts from throughout academia and beyond will shed light on the topic from different disciplines, based on state-of-the-art knowledge and research. Students will broaden their perspectives through direct exchange by learning about different regional conditions and approaches. The summer school offers a great opportunity to learn about successful collaboration in digital and international settings and practice using creative tools and methods to communicate about climate change and develop ideas that make a difference.
Die Anmeldung ist ab sofort über die Website des International Office möglich. Zielgruppe sind vorrangig Masterstudierende mit guten Englischkenntnissen (Niveau B2). Soweit freie Plätze vorhanden sind, können auch Studierende aus dem Zertifikatsbereich zugelassen werden.
Die Teilnahme an der Summer School ist kostenlos. Sofern Sie sich die Teilnahme an der fünftägigen Summer School als Studienleistung mit Referat für den Masterstudiengang infernum anerkennen lassen möchten, erheben wir analog zu den modulübergreifenden Seminaren eine Teilnahmegebühr in Höhe von 150 €.
Bitte beachten Sie für Ihre Planungen, dass parallel zur Summer School auch das modulübergreifende Präsenzseminar zum Thema „Wasserstoff“ (25.-26.08.2023) in Oberhausen stattfindet.